Sunday, December 17, 2017


I had a girl come to see me, that wanted to have some closure with her Father, who had passed many years ago. She is in her mid 50's, and her father had molested her as a child. She wanted to know if he was sorry for what he did, and how it had effected her life.

The first person that came through, was a man in farmer jeans., that kind of looked like a farmer. She was very excited to talk to him, and recognized him right away! He was a neighbor, that was more like an Uncle to her, and had always watched out for her as she got older. He basically said he came in to protect her from  her father, since she was calling him in to talk to him.

The next person I saw, was  this guy, that felt like a shady character, kind of creeping up to us. He was on the shorter side, and looking all over the place, like he was watching his own back. she confirmed that it was definitely her father! Sadly, until a soul is ready to work on the things he did outside of his life plan, and become a better soul, they stay stuck in what they did and who they were when they were here.

She asked him why, she wanted an explanation, and wanted to know if he was sorry. He first denied that he did anything wrong, and then tried to blame everyone else! First it was her mothers fault, because he didn't really want to have kids. He then tried to lie his way out of it, claiming he was just a hard working guy, and the reality was that he spent his time and money in the bars. He then blamed the girl herself, because she was to "pretty" for him to resist!
She was able to get closure however. She was able to tell him what she thought of him, and that he's not a part of her family anymore.

It seems to be a common theme of molesters on the other side. Another girl that came to me with the same problem,  had a similar response from her father. Her father however was rude and using foul language as he blamed her for his actions! He was so nasty, I had to send him on his way, but not before she got her say, and told him not to be anywhere around her when it's her time to pass!

Every soul is different, just as every person is different while they're here. Some start working on themselves right away, and enjoy the freedom they have on the other side, Others stay stuck and it takes them much longer to work on themselves.

If there's someone you want to talk to , please contact me at

Thursday, December 14, 2017


There's nothing more difficult than bringing through children that have passed to talk to their parents.

I was volunteering my services at one of the churches, and two weeks in a row I had parents come to see me that had lost teen age children in car accidents. The first one was a young girl about 17, that was in the back seat of a car being driven by someone that was impaired. She knew she shouldn't have gotten in the car, and although her parents always told her to call then is she needed a ride,she didn't. She came through very upset, and thought her parents were angry with her for getting into the car with a drunk driver, against their teachings. The parents couldn't believe she thought they would be mad at her, they loved her so much, they were just stuck in grief due to missing her!

She did let them know that it was very quick, she actually jumped out of her body upon impact. She didn't suffer. That's what every parent wants to know when they lose a child. She was relieved on the other side, to know that they weren't blaming her, even though she knew it was her own fault for getting in the car,  As difficult as it was, they were all able to get closure.

The next week the Aunt of one of the other teenagers in the same car accident came to see me. She had no idea that the other parents had come to see me. Her niece was also a passenger in the car, it had hit a tree. There were four teenagers in the car at the time,  and they all perished. She was hanging for the most part with the girl I had talked to the previous week. The woman  actually came to see me more for the girls mother, since she was having a difficult time with her passing, and felt that she was still in the home. We were able to confirm that she was in fact spending all of her time with her grieving mother still in the house, and had been trying to make her presence known. I was able to give her information that hopefully will let them move on, and allow her to heal on the other side as well.

During this Holiday Season, it's my hope that we all remember that our actions effect many people.
Please be safe on the roads, Don't drink and drive, and don't get in a car with an impaired driver.

If you are trying to reach out to someone on the other side, you can reach me at

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I had a woman come to me who was having problems in her marriage. She thought her husband might even be cheating on her, and she didn't know what to do!

With the Destiny Card Program, I was able to confirm that first, her and her husband were Twin Flames. She had no idea what that was, but once explained, was able to verify as well. (They even have a daughter who was born a two of hearts, a twin flame herself, of a twin flame couple)!

By going through her husbands cards, I was able to decipher that he was stressing out over a change in work, and contemplating some new things on the work front.He was also having a min mid-life crisis! The cards also confirmed that the sex level had really dropped off, and he was missing the intimate moments they used to have. The cards show that he was starting to communicate outside the marriage, either looking for advice or comfort, but hadn't strayed, and wasn't likely to. They were definitely meant to be together for the long haul!

By going through the cards, we were able to come up with a plan of action, to not only help her put her marriage back on track, but her own career as well! She followed my advice, and her husband keeps thanking me!

If your having any issues in your own live or marriage, feel free to book an appointment for yourself, at

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


When someone wants to really talk to someone from the other side, they really should make a point to be open and cooperative, and not rattle the medium! We're people just like you, and we're not only using a lot of our energy to contact your loved ones, but we're also trying to hear them and interpret the signs and symbols they give us. They operate on a much higher vibration than we do as human beings, and it takes a combination of many things to get the message from them to you.

That being said, one of the worst instances I ever had, was an Italian woman at one of my shows. She wanted to talk to her mother who had passed, and was getting very annoyed when I brought in her Aunt, an old friend, and another relative, but not her mother right away. She started to get loud with me, and was tapping her fingers and swinging her leg back and fourth while she was snapping her gum! We don't have control over who does and does not want to come through and talk to you! It's like a two way mirror, if they know you, or are around you, and the facilitator, (me) is there, whoever wants to talk or see you shows up! In my experience, the people that don't come through for me right away, either had a falling out prior to passing, or did something shameful prior to passing. I have had 100% success rate however on bringing everyone asked for through, with the exception of one soul who had reincarnated shortly after her murder.

Finally her mother showed up! She was showing herself in a house coat in the girls kitchen, and told me her daughter would come for coffee every morning, which she confirmed. She also showed me an oxygen tank she was using to breathe, but wanted her daughter to know she wasn't smoking! Her daughter confirmed, she was on oxygen, and every time she saw her she told her she wasn't smoking, although she was. Her mom went on to tell me that she was more than a daughter, she was her best friend, and they spent every weekend going out shopping together and just having fun together.

Her mother wanted to know why her daughter wasn't wearing a necklace that was very special. The daughter informed me that she had given her mother the necklace, and had been wearing it, but thought it was too big to wear all the time. Her mom then apologized to me for giving me such a hard time bringing her through, but she thought her daughter was "mad" at her, since she wasn't wearing the necklace!

It's almost funny, that we never know what they're thinking on the other side, but they're always happy to hear from us! If there'e someone you want to hear from this holiday season, feel free to book online, at
Thanks for reading!

Monday, December 11, 2017


I was doing a show on cape cod one evening. It was a corporate fundraiser. Four girls came over together, and asked if I could do an Angel card reading in regards to the new Real Estate business they had just all opened together. I agreed since they were all in the business together. 

As I started the reading, there was a woman in a long white nightgown standing behind one of the girls. I asked if it was o.k. to see who she was, and what she wanted. I kept hearing that she was someone’s mom, but then that she was one of the girls aunt! I was thoroughly confused as to who this woman was, until one girl said, “oh my god, that’s my aunt, and her mother! We’re cousins”!

The woman was showing me a scene from the hospital bed when she was dying, with everyone standing around her in the room as they made the decision to pull the plug. I could see her daughter, as a little girl, burying her head in someone else’s arms, so she didn’t have to look.

She confirmed that she was seven when mom died, she was in a coma from an accident, and her dad had insisted she be in the room when they gave last rights, and pulled the plug. She said she was traumatized from it happening that way, and really felt like she never had the opportunity to say goodbye. 

Her mom was now showing me the girls’ bedroom, with her picture in the upper right hand corner of the girls make up mirror, and wanted her to know she’s with her every day. The girl started balling her eyes out, and confirmed that she does in fact have a Polaroid picture of her mom on the upper right hand corner of the makeup mirror.  She was able to talk to her mom through me, and able to get the closure she couldn’t as a child.

If there is someone you need or want to have closer with, know that it's always possible.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Every now and then I get a strange reading. I was doing a show one time, and another woman waited in line to see me, and kept letting everyone else cut in front of her. She wanted to make sure she was the last in line all the time. I thought it was a little odd, but was thinking that maybe she was just reluctant.
When she was finally the end of the line, she sat down and said, “I wanted to be your last client, because this may take a while”! She went on to tell me that she called around to track me down, because she had heard about my abilities. She was a fairly local person. So I asked her if she wanted a general reading, or if she wanted to talk to someone on the other side. She said she wanted to know who killed her uncle!

 I explained to her how I work, I only want a yes, no, or I don’t know for an answer, unless I ask something specific. Apparently her son had found her Uncle’s body outside of their home, and was also pretty traumatized by the event.
Her Uncle came through right away, (I’m blessed with 100% success rate at bringing through souls that people ask for), and she confirmed that it was him we were talking to. He went on to describe how he had been at a specific bar in Pawtucket, and had got into an argument with someone across the bar about the television channel that was on. She was able to confirm that he had been there prior to passing, and was a frequent visitor. I always ask my guides to show me what happened, but not the blood and gore associated with a death. ( I don't need to be traumatized as well)! 
 He then showed me how he had been hit by behind by the same person after he left the bar, and was robbed! It was a very violent crime, as the guy was upset about the argument!.  He then showed me the dumpster where the person disposed of the clothing and the murder weapon. He described what he had been wearing when he was killed, and she was able to confirm it. She kept wanting the name of the person that committed the crime. He described the person to a "t", including the distinctive jacket the man was wearing. Her Uncle informed her that she knew who it was, her hunch was correct, but he refused to give the name, because he knew she would confront the person herself, and put herself in danger. He said it was not the first time this man had murdered someone.

 He went on to show me a scene of another murder where a gun had been used.
The murder happened months previously, so the clothes and murder weapon were not to be found, other than scouring the dump, but he did inform us that he would soon be caught on another crime, and would be put in prison soon. 

Confirming that he didn’t suffer with what he went through, and that she was correct on the person she thought had committed the crime, she was able to get some closure on losing him without being able to say goodbye. It also shows that not only do they know what’s going on, but what will happen in the future in some instances.
I hope you enjoyed me sharing the reading, without giving any names.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


The Akashic records are your “book of life”. Every organized religion speaks of the book. Every time you are reincarnated, you come back with the same soul group of people. Everything that ever happened in your life is in your book. No one can read your “book”, without  your permission. No one can read anyone’s book if they are under the age of 18, ( I didn’t set it), because the knowledge could alter their life, and they may not be ready to process the information.  There are rules to follow just like everything else, for many reasons.

If you’re having a problem in this life, whether it’s with a person, and something else, by going back in the records, you can heal the problem in this lifetime. I myself have been afraid of deep water since about the age of 10 years old. It was like a switch was flipped, and I could not go in water that was over my head. I tried everything, including scuba lessons trying to overcome the panic I would feel, but couldn’t clear my mask to pass! 

I knew I had drowned in my passed life, but had no idea how. When studying the records, I found my answer! In my very last lifetime, I was an herbalist that lived on the outskirts of a small village in Europe. When someone was sick in the village, they would come to me to make an elixir for them to get well. I’ve always had an affinity for mushrooms as well. I love to eat them, and always wanted to go mushrooming, but even with the books I have to identify them, I’ve been reluctant to go search for them. There was a sick girl in the village, about 10 years old. (the same age as when it effected me in this lifetime). She had become ill, and they asked me to make her an elixir. Unfortunately, I made it with poison mushrooms! Needless to say, the little girl died. My punishment was to tie rocks to my body, and throw me into the river, where I drowned.

 After finding out the information, and going through it, seeing my spirit leave my body, I was over it! I went for lunch that day, not even making the connection, and bought three bathing suits! Without even trying them on! (they did all fit perfectly)! Since that time I’ve been snorkeling, and don’t feel so panicked in the water.
This is just one example of many things that can happen when you go into your records. To book your reading, please go to

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 8, 2017


Many times when I have someone come to me for a reading, they are understandably skeptical. Especially if it's the first time, and for some reason it's more men then women that have difficulty.
It's a lot of energy to bring souls through, and to interpret everything they want to say, since sometimes they don't want to talk, or they just feel that symbolism works better for them. Every spirit is a little different based on their strength.

If you really want to talk to a particular person, speak up! I had a gentlemen circle me three or four times at an event, before he finally decided to get in line for a reading. He then sat down and said he didn't have anyone in particular that he wanted to talk to. I then proceeded to bring through his next door neighbor that passed away, and his dad, who lived in the same house after the neighbor! When we were just about out of time, although I brought through people that he knew and could verify, and gave him the messages they had for him, he was disappointed!

He then decides to tell me he "really" wanted to talk to his son! I'm now under the gun to bring him his son, since he's just about out of time, and can't afford any more. Fortunately his soon was willing to come through right away, he had only passed away a week ago, by a horrible car accident. He wanted his dad to know how much he loved him, and didn't blame him for administering "tough love" recently, since it was needed. He also didn't want him to blame himself in any way, since it was just his own stupidity that caused the accident. He was extremely grateful for the opportunity to have closure with his son, and said he really didn't think he could come through since he had just passed.

Believe me, if they aren't here, they're there, and for the most part, they want to talk to their loved ones, since they feel the same way about the situation on that side as you do on this side!

The lesson here, is if you really want to talk to someone specific, speak up!

Thursday, December 7, 2017


After I started to really embrace my gifts, I began offering my services for a nominal fee at charity events. I was still trying to perfect my skills, and learn from the other side! When somthing like this happens to you, it's normal to ask. "why"? What's the reason this happened to me? What am I suppose to do with this "gift"? (That sometimes feels like a curse)! Well I got my answer on New Years Eve a few years ago.

I was doing a charity event in Newport. It was my second time doing the event, and I guess word had gotten out about my abilities, and that not only am I authentic, but truly gifted. After having done some 30 readings back to back all afternoon, and ready to call it a day, a woman came over and asked me if I was finished. I said that I was. She then asked me if I would mind seeing her mother, since she had been waiting for me to be done with everyone else before seeing me. I looked over to my right, to see a woman in her early eighties sitting at a side table. I noticed them earlier, and they had been waiting over an hour. I agreed to do one last reading. The daughter sat at the table behind us, so her mother could have some privacy.

The woman brought her mom over, who seemed a little bit frail, and quite anxious. I asked her if she would like a general reading, or if she wanted to talk to someone on the other side. She blurted out very quickly, that she wanted to talk to her son. I said o.k, but would you like to talk to your parents first, since your dad has been standing next to you the whole time you were here? Sure she said. When I work I ask for people to tell me yes, no, or I don't know. Unless I ask a specific question, I don't want them leading me somewhere with "my" thoughts that I don't want to go. I offered to describe who I saw, and she could confirm whether or not she recognized them. I asked her if he used to have a car with a hand crank on front to start, because that was what I was being shown. She did not know. I then asked if dad would have some occasion to be wearing a tuxedo with a large top hat,  long tails, and a small cane used as a prop. Absolutely she screamed! That's my dad! Then a woman came into the picture, wearing a long ballgown, with a tiny waist and a mink stole. Yes she confirmed, that's my mom! I have the same picture hanging over my fireplace! After the I love you's, dad made mention that he was disappointed that the family bloodline ended with her, (she had no sons), and because her brother had no children, which she confirmed.

She then again asked to see her son. I had her call his name out loud three times, which seems to help them come. I then described the man that came next. No she said, that's my brother! I asked her if she knew her brother had been murdered. She confirmed that she did, and the killer was caught. He wanted to thank her for taking care of him growing up, apparently there was a huge age gap, and their parents were socialites that were never home. he also wanted to tell her how sorry he was that she had so many tragedies to handle in her life, and wanted her to know he was always with her. He then went on to tell her that he had two illegitimate children, in response to his fathers remarks about having no bloodline. He informed her who the mother of one of the children was, but asked that she not contact them for their own privacy.

She again asked to talk to her son. I had her call him again, nothing. I then asked her brother to see if he could locate him for us. I saw him go back into the crowd of relatives, grab this person by the arm, and literally drag him up to the front of the crowd. As he stood there, his head was down, and he would not look at me. I explained to his mother, that usually means he is ashamed of something, and the fact that he didn't come on his own, usually means they had some kind of falling out prior to his passing. "I know why" she says! Please do not tell me I asked, only yes, no , or I don't know. I then asked "Do you believe he committed suicide"? Yes she yelled yes, I caused him to kill himself! At that moment, her son lifted his head, and very defiantly stated,"NO I did not kill myself! It was an accident"! His mom started crying uncontrollably! His sister came from the other table, "I knew it" she said. The police kept saying it was a suicide, but there was no note, he left dinner cooking, all the lights were on in the apartment, and he was doing so good with his new girlfriend!
I then asked him to tell me what happened. He said that they had changed his medication, which his mother confirmed. He said he had been watching this cool thing on television about this guy juggling a chain saw. He then just kept telling me how stupid he was, and how sorry he was. I then told his mother I felt something with his neck, but I didn't feel like it was a hanging. She then confirmed for me what he was showing me, that he dismembered himself. He tried juggling the chain saw and it slipped.

After we were done, and she was able to stop crying, I gave her a huge hug. She said she had lived the last 35 years thinking she caused her son to kill himself, because she was too tough on him! She had asked for him to come to her dreams, and nothing. I explained that he didn't know what to say, or how to approach her, because he felt so much guilt on the other side, knowing that he had caused her so much pain. I told her he should start coming to her in her dreams now, since they are now both at peace. I asked her, why in 35 years she hadn't gone to see a medium to get some closure. She told me she's been going to see them for  years, and no one had been powerful enough to bring him through. I was shocked, and honored all at the same time. I now knew, that I was suppose to be doing what I'm doing, no matter what anyone says! If someone had been able to bring her son through  years ago, she would have lived a very different life than the one she did, believing she caused her sons death.

I'm grateful for the gift I have, and honored when I'm able to make that kind of a differnce in someones life, Thanks for reading!


I remember the first time a saw an Angel, it ended up being an Arch Angel of all things! I was doing Reiki for the first time on a young girl. She basically wanted to do it for relaxation. I scanned her body, and reviewed some physical issues she was having that I was going to concentrate on. About half way through the session, the room got very bright. There standing at the head of the bed, was a beautiful Angel! It filled the room with it's presence, and I felt an overwhelming sense of love and peace. I asked the Angel it's name, and it told me Seraphiel. It went on to tell me it was here to give me a message for the girl I was doing the Reiki on. It said that she had a young child, a boy, and that it was always around him to protect him, because he is going to do great things when he grows up.
 I was so overwhelmed, and  I was literally on my knees in tears from the feeling. After a few minutes, it dissipated and I finished the session. I explained what happened, and she informed me that she in fact does have a baby boy, and this was her first time out without him, because she had a fear of leaving him with anyone! She felt much better after getting the message from the Angel, and after the session I googled the name, since I had never heard it before. As it turned out, Seraphiel is one of the choir Angels, the closest to god, part of the Seraphim. I have since channeled Angels many times, and work very closely with the Arch Angels, especially Arch Angel Michael. Like everything in life however, you never forget the first time!