Thursday, December 7, 2017


After I started to really embrace my gifts, I began offering my services for a nominal fee at charity events. I was still trying to perfect my skills, and learn from the other side! When somthing like this happens to you, it's normal to ask. "why"? What's the reason this happened to me? What am I suppose to do with this "gift"? (That sometimes feels like a curse)! Well I got my answer on New Years Eve a few years ago.

I was doing a charity event in Newport. It was my second time doing the event, and I guess word had gotten out about my abilities, and that not only am I authentic, but truly gifted. After having done some 30 readings back to back all afternoon, and ready to call it a day, a woman came over and asked me if I was finished. I said that I was. She then asked me if I would mind seeing her mother, since she had been waiting for me to be done with everyone else before seeing me. I looked over to my right, to see a woman in her early eighties sitting at a side table. I noticed them earlier, and they had been waiting over an hour. I agreed to do one last reading. The daughter sat at the table behind us, so her mother could have some privacy.

The woman brought her mom over, who seemed a little bit frail, and quite anxious. I asked her if she would like a general reading, or if she wanted to talk to someone on the other side. She blurted out very quickly, that she wanted to talk to her son. I said o.k, but would you like to talk to your parents first, since your dad has been standing next to you the whole time you were here? Sure she said. When I work I ask for people to tell me yes, no, or I don't know. Unless I ask a specific question, I don't want them leading me somewhere with "my" thoughts that I don't want to go. I offered to describe who I saw, and she could confirm whether or not she recognized them. I asked her if he used to have a car with a hand crank on front to start, because that was what I was being shown. She did not know. I then asked if dad would have some occasion to be wearing a tuxedo with a large top hat,  long tails, and a small cane used as a prop. Absolutely she screamed! That's my dad! Then a woman came into the picture, wearing a long ballgown, with a tiny waist and a mink stole. Yes she confirmed, that's my mom! I have the same picture hanging over my fireplace! After the I love you's, dad made mention that he was disappointed that the family bloodline ended with her, (she had no sons), and because her brother had no children, which she confirmed.

She then again asked to see her son. I had her call his name out loud three times, which seems to help them come. I then described the man that came next. No she said, that's my brother! I asked her if she knew her brother had been murdered. She confirmed that she did, and the killer was caught. He wanted to thank her for taking care of him growing up, apparently there was a huge age gap, and their parents were socialites that were never home. he also wanted to tell her how sorry he was that she had so many tragedies to handle in her life, and wanted her to know he was always with her. He then went on to tell her that he had two illegitimate children, in response to his fathers remarks about having no bloodline. He informed her who the mother of one of the children was, but asked that she not contact them for their own privacy.

She again asked to talk to her son. I had her call him again, nothing. I then asked her brother to see if he could locate him for us. I saw him go back into the crowd of relatives, grab this person by the arm, and literally drag him up to the front of the crowd. As he stood there, his head was down, and he would not look at me. I explained to his mother, that usually means he is ashamed of something, and the fact that he didn't come on his own, usually means they had some kind of falling out prior to his passing. "I know why" she says! Please do not tell me I asked, only yes, no , or I don't know. I then asked "Do you believe he committed suicide"? Yes she yelled yes, I caused him to kill himself! At that moment, her son lifted his head, and very defiantly stated,"NO I did not kill myself! It was an accident"! His mom started crying uncontrollably! His sister came from the other table, "I knew it" she said. The police kept saying it was a suicide, but there was no note, he left dinner cooking, all the lights were on in the apartment, and he was doing so good with his new girlfriend!
I then asked him to tell me what happened. He said that they had changed his medication, which his mother confirmed. He said he had been watching this cool thing on television about this guy juggling a chain saw. He then just kept telling me how stupid he was, and how sorry he was. I then told his mother I felt something with his neck, but I didn't feel like it was a hanging. She then confirmed for me what he was showing me, that he dismembered himself. He tried juggling the chain saw and it slipped.

After we were done, and she was able to stop crying, I gave her a huge hug. She said she had lived the last 35 years thinking she caused her son to kill himself, because she was too tough on him! She had asked for him to come to her dreams, and nothing. I explained that he didn't know what to say, or how to approach her, because he felt so much guilt on the other side, knowing that he had caused her so much pain. I told her he should start coming to her in her dreams now, since they are now both at peace. I asked her, why in 35 years she hadn't gone to see a medium to get some closure. She told me she's been going to see them for  years, and no one had been powerful enough to bring him through. I was shocked, and honored all at the same time. I now knew, that I was suppose to be doing what I'm doing, no matter what anyone says! If someone had been able to bring her son through  years ago, she would have lived a very different life than the one she did, believing she caused her sons death.

I'm grateful for the gift I have, and honored when I'm able to make that kind of a differnce in someones life, Thanks for reading!

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