Sunday, December 17, 2017


I had a girl come to see me, that wanted to have some closure with her Father, who had passed many years ago. She is in her mid 50's, and her father had molested her as a child. She wanted to know if he was sorry for what he did, and how it had effected her life.

The first person that came through, was a man in farmer jeans., that kind of looked like a farmer. She was very excited to talk to him, and recognized him right away! He was a neighbor, that was more like an Uncle to her, and had always watched out for her as she got older. He basically said he came in to protect her from  her father, since she was calling him in to talk to him.

The next person I saw, was  this guy, that felt like a shady character, kind of creeping up to us. He was on the shorter side, and looking all over the place, like he was watching his own back. she confirmed that it was definitely her father! Sadly, until a soul is ready to work on the things he did outside of his life plan, and become a better soul, they stay stuck in what they did and who they were when they were here.

She asked him why, she wanted an explanation, and wanted to know if he was sorry. He first denied that he did anything wrong, and then tried to blame everyone else! First it was her mothers fault, because he didn't really want to have kids. He then tried to lie his way out of it, claiming he was just a hard working guy, and the reality was that he spent his time and money in the bars. He then blamed the girl herself, because she was to "pretty" for him to resist!
She was able to get closure however. She was able to tell him what she thought of him, and that he's not a part of her family anymore.

It seems to be a common theme of molesters on the other side. Another girl that came to me with the same problem,  had a similar response from her father. Her father however was rude and using foul language as he blamed her for his actions! He was so nasty, I had to send him on his way, but not before she got her say, and told him not to be anywhere around her when it's her time to pass!

Every soul is different, just as every person is different while they're here. Some start working on themselves right away, and enjoy the freedom they have on the other side, Others stay stuck and it takes them much longer to work on themselves.

If there's someone you want to talk to , please contact me at

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